Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Info from the Center for Education Policy


The Center for Education Policy or CEP, is lead by Jack Jennings, a organized and well spoken man with very specific and conscious thoughts. In a number of Vimeo Video interviews , Mr. Jennings talks about the issues with current state exam testing and the research that has come from it. 

From this report I have found that 28 states now have High School Exit Exams. It was up from 26 states and it was one more than I previously reported (silly me for counting fast) in my last post. 

But, nevertheless, Mr. Jennings makes some very solid points about testing and in his unbiased comments shows only the research and cannot give a thumbs up or down as to their effectiveness due to the CEP's research has not been studied enough. 

You know, I believe him. I think that this is an acceptable answer. 

If you get a chance look through the videos and see for yourself as to what the CEP is saying about high school exit exams. Oh, and review the last video, that is one that will make you go, "....mmm!"

The videos will make mention of poor kids and children of color, but they will address the issues of poverty as it is socially and monetarily. .

Rebel Educator
learn regardless 

CEP High School Exam report

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